Quanto costa una soluzione di IA alimentata dal servizio di OpenAI ❓🤔
Quanto costa una soluzione di IA alimentata dal servizio di OpenAI ❓🤔 Leggi tutto »
When building a #generativeai solution you need to integrate your domain #knowledge inside the LLM (Large Language Model) powering its #intelligence . You can either inject knowledge through the prompt or by tuning the #llm parameters. In this video I articulate this concept into 4 levels: 🔴Prompting 🟠Dynamic Prompting (#rag) 🟡 Finetuning 🟢 Retraining
4 Levels Of Personalization For LLM-Agents (Video) Leggi tutto »
You should be familiar with #chatgpt and #generativeai by now. Now, AI Agents are rising. In this video I discuss: – What #ai Agents are – How they are different from #chatbots – What are the traits that make them so special for businesses Watch till the end, I believe will be worth it.
The Rise Of AI Agents (Video) Leggi tutto »